Bolidt has taken far-reaching steps to reduce the use of paper to a minimum by introducing the digital file. Thanks to the super-fast Internet connections and advanced applied information technology, we are able to digitalise and disseminate a large portion of the communication on paper.
Further, all technical foremen are equipped with tablets on which all work files are stored, instead of printed and bound in binders.
More and more, the forwarding of information to architects and customers takes place digitally. For this, Bolidt has developed excellent material, reducing the need to always visit the site. An additional advantage is a more efficient use of time.

Head office
In the Bolidt head office at Hendrik Ido Ambacht, all spaces have daylight switching, with movement sensors. Furthermore, the fluorescent lighting is controlled with high-frequency ballasts and fluorescent lamps with very high light output have been chosen. The Bolidt head office has, furthermore, an air conditioning system which makes optimal use of the weather conditions. In this way, the building is in part cooled by the automatic control of cool outside air, reducing the use of energy-consuming air conditioners to a minimum. Moreover, we have chosen for central heating boilers with modulating burners such that these only have to operate at full power in extreme conditions. The air compressors have modulating motors.
The environment is also respected in the cleaning of our office. By applying new cleaning techniques, the floors at Bolidt only need to be cleaned with chemical substances once a month. Even for stubborn staining in sanitary spaces, chemical products are only sporadically used. For all other cleaning only water is used.

Vehicle fleet
Bolidt has an extensive vehicle fleet whereby the impact on the environment is closely monitored.
In so doing, we have chosen for electric passenger cars, a bundling of technology aimed towards saving fuel and reducing CO2 emission, and the emission of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. All our company cars have soot filters.